Bottlecaps 1


I’ve been saving these bottlecaps for some unspecified future project for so long that I have quite a collection of them. Finally my idea coalesced into these.  I cut circles of either scraps of old book covers (that I made) or pieces of decorative paper, or both.  Then I found or made small ornaments to suspend in resin.

The problem with these is that the resin has to be mixed very accurately. My strategy was to pour it into the cap and use the cap as a measuring device, but apparently that’s not a good strategy because it’s not accurate enough.  The resin never cured properly and is horribly sticky. If you touch it with your hands, your hands remain sticky even after you wash them with soap and water.  I have to throw these away.

If I were manufacturing resin for crafters, I’d include disposable mixing cups and sticks inside the package. It shows the resin being mixed in disposable cups with popsicle sticks, but as I found out during a trip to walgreens, these are not easy to find.  Fortunately, my dad is as much of a hoarder as I am and he gave me a half dozen cups such as are used with Nyquil.  My subsequent bottlecaps turned out fine.

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