2011 archive

Book Review: How to Be Good

How to Be Good by Nick Hornby Katie Carr is a doctor married to the angriest man in Holloway. Even though she’s having an affair and doesn’t always care as much about her patients as she thinks she ought to, she’s secure in the knowledge that she is a good person. Of course she’s a …

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Snacks for a Long Voyage Shrine

This shrine was inspired by a trip to Texas I did last year with my family. It’s a long, brutal drive from Phoenix to Dallas, so I bought a lot of snacks for my kids, the kind of snacks they don’t usually get. I bought candy and chips and cheetoes and juice boxes and basically …

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Book Review: Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins I was watching a cooking show once where a chef won a contest by making a simple dish. The other chefs complained that she had made something too rustic, too simple, but the judges said that a good dish done flawlessly will win over a complex dish …

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Book Review: Fallen

Fallen by Lauren Kate What do you get when you have a beautiful teenage girl at a creepy boarding school where she meets a couple of cute boys who are both interested in her? Well, in the case of FALLEN, you have a promising YA supernatural romance that loses it in the last three chapters. …

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Four Color Silkscreen

My sister-in-law gave me a silkscreening kit that included this generously sized silkscreen frame. Since I don’t usually do art this large, I decided to use the screen for four different shots so that I could try my hand at a multi colored silk screen. I started by looking for something inspirational. Since I have …

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