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Book Review: We Are All the Same in the Dark

We Are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin On the surface, this book is a standard police procedural, but a few unusual twists and good writing make it memorable. It takes place in a small Texas town, depicted exactingly in its hot, backwards, narrow minded glory. Odette is a young cop, the …

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Book Review: Last Girl Ghost

Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger In the grand tradition of “books with the word ‘girl’ in the title” this is a psychological thriller centered around independent but vulnerable women and mysterious dangerous men. Wren is young, beautiful, and wealthy, living in a Brooklyn brownstone and writing a popular advice column called “Dear Birdie.” Since …

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Book Review: This is How You Lose the Time War

This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar This book came recommended to me from various sources and it seemed like right up my alley: literary science fiction that defies tropes and conventions. Time travelers from two different factions alter timelines to lean reality towards their own end. Red’s faction is militaristic …

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Book Review: Words of Radiance

This book is much stronger than the first book in the Stormlight series “Way of Kings” because it doesn’t take nearly as long to ramp up. The danger is already present from the beginning. Kaladin and his bridgemen have been assigned to be high prince Dalanar’s personal guard, but Kaladin can’t yet use his powers …

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Book Review: The Way of Kings

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson I was in the mood for an epic, time-consuming high fantasy so I could stop thinking about all the problems in our own world and start worrying about someone else’s. I’d liked the Mistborn series, and this series has even more rabid fans, so I thought I’d take …

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