Tag: cooking

Book Review: What Einstein Told His Cook

What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained by Robert L. Wolke I think I must have read this book years and years ago and forgot to write a review, which tricked me into thinking I hadn’t read it. It’s a book about kitchen science. It’s good reading for anyone who loves chemistry and cooking, …

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Book Review: Consider the Fork

Consider the Fork: How Technology Transforms the Way We Cook and Eat by Bee Wilson I do love books that delve into the history of a small subject, like the book on Salt, or Oranges, or red dye. I also like those that wander a bit, but still talk seriously about the mundane necessities we …

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Book Review: Blood, Bones, and Butter

“Blood, Bones, and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef by Gabrielle Hamilton Memoirs I’ve read fall into one of four categories. There’s the “My childhood is worse than your childhood” memoir, the “I am or hang out with famous people” memoir, the chef/restaurateur” memoir, and the “traveled the world and met quaint people” …

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Book Review: Julie and Julia

Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen by Julie Powell There’s a certain type of people who believe that a New York address and having done something attention-grabbing and arduous is the only necessary prerequisite for writing a memoir. However, other memoirs have taught me these traits do not automatically instill the necessary writing …

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