Tag: dog

Book Review: Honky Tonk Samurai

Honky Tonk Samurai by Joe R. Lansdale I have never read any of the Hap and Leonard series, but once I listened to Joe Lansdale do a reading at a con, and the guy made me cry talking about zombies of all things, so I knew the guy could write. The sentence-level writing in this …

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Book Review: Dog Inc.

Dog, Inc.: The Uncanny Inside Story of Cloning Man’s Best Friend by John Woestendiek This is the kind of book I usually like very much–topical science written for the layperson. It starts out good; the subject is narrow enough to really delve into it, and Woestendiek knows to use biographical information to create a narrative …

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“Voice Like a Cello” and “Bear Country”

Dear Blog Friends; Since last week’s pairing of short stories was so successful, I decided to put up another pair.  Making the cover art was a lot easier this time. I guess practice makes perfect with anything, even new software. I was originally going to pair “Voice Like a Cello” with another short story I …

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