Tag: dystopian

Book Review: Sweet

Sweet by Emmy Laybourne I was drawn to this book by its cover, so different from the others in the dystopian YA section of the bookstore. But I didn’t want to buy a book, so I opened the cover and hoped it would suck so I could leave it. But it didn’t suck, so I …

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Book Review: Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro I read THE REMAINS OF THE DAY, and was blown away by how spot-on the English butler felt, so I picked this up, having no idea what it was about. It took me a good half a chapter before I realized there was anything science-fiction or dystopian about …

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Book Review: The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry My friend told me about this book, as she teaches it to her middle schoolers. I’m all for reading below my age group, so I picked up an audiobook from the library. The audiobook, unusually, was peppered with music, which I found rather distracting. This is a typical dystopian fiction …

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Book Review: Insurgent

Insurgent by Veronica Roth I got this book based on the strength of the first book, but my desire to see the story through to the end almost wasn’t enough to entice me to finish it. As it was, I read it so slowly that I had to check it out from the library a …

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Book Review: Divergent

Divergent by Veronica Roth This book feels like it fits so neatly into the standard successful YA tropes it could have been written by a marketing team. Young girl (16) has to go take a test that will tell her what faction she will belong to for the rest of her life. Will she choose …

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