Tag: MAC

Twice Green Cup

Just started a new glass blowing class. I couldn’t get into the shorter weeknight one I usually take, and am in a longer one on the weekends. The other women in class far surpassed me in skill. This is good, in that they will likely inspire me to strethc myself, but bad, in that it’s …

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Sky-Veined Cup

This is one of the cups that I made in the glassblowing class I took this spring.  One of my goals for the class was to make a cup that I could give to a friend, whose birthday was in early March. I made these lines by trailing a stringer of light blue color around …

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Glass pumpkin

The first one-day workshop I took this fall was for making glass pumpkins. It was billed as a beginner workshop, which was a mistake, as these are tricky to make. Some people weren’t able to make any. I was out of practice, so I made it easier for myself by doing one that was clear. …

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Eggs One and Two

These are two of the eggs that I made in the same off-mandrel lampworking technique class.  Now you can see what the amber nests were for. The polka dotted one I made so I could practice dot control, but I left it in the heat too long and the bottom got scorched.

Amber Nests, three and four

These were made by reaming molten glass with a graphite reamer.  To make the frozen drop crown shape, I pulled out petals by using tweezers, a technique we use to make easy flowers in hotshop.