Tag: men

Book Review: Self Made Man

Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Journey Into Manhood and Back Again by Norah Vincen t This is a memoir in the vein of “audacious journalists who do crazy things and write about the experience.” Norah Vincent cross-dressed as a man for over a year, and entered into uniquely masculine venues to chronicle the experience from a …

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Here Birdy! Birdy!: How Not To Pick Up Women

So this guy approached me in the local supermarket.  He was in his mid thirties or early forties, dressed casual but not sloppy, black, but not unattractive.  He said “excuse me” and asked me what my  name is.  We were on the far side of the store with the socks and make up and feminine …

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Book Review: The Game

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss I’ve been fascinated about the idea of a pickup artist community ever since I heard about its existence last year. What do these people do? Does it work? Why? This was the book seen as the essential guide to this underground lair of …

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Book Review: The Mystery Method

The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Mystery I’ve heard a lot about the “pickup artist” movement, especially on feminist sites, and couldn’t contain my curiosity. Alas, these books are frequently checked out of the library, so I had to wait my turn. The basic theories of the book are soundly …

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