Giant Glass Beer Stein

krol sized mug


This one is closest, in color to replicating the cups I gave away. However, it’s more complicated than a basic tumbler because it has a handle and a cookie foot. I wasn’t very good at handles (still am not) and we did a couple of practice pieces at the beginning of class, which was valuable, as my first three attempts were awful.

The cup itself is a little oblong. Our instructor says that it’s because I am not transitioning smoothly from the glory hole to the bench. He’s right. If I go too fast and don’t pay attention, I bounce it, which can knock it off the puntie. If I go slowly and take my time, sometimes I lose the rhythm of turning it, and it falls off-center. It’s one of those frustrating situations where I know what I’m doing wrong, but don’t have the skill to do it correctly.

J said that he’d like a glass cup to use at the Renaissance Festival, in place of the ceramic ones I’ve made for him. Although this is big enough to hold a desert-thirsty participant share of water, I believe it’s too fragile.


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