Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Clarion Magnets

Here’s the second set of magnets I made for the Clarion Foundation’s Write-a-thon this year. Some lucky person will get these.  Keys donated by Kim Stanley Robinson.  I hope they’re going to a good fridge.

Book Review: Sleepwalk With Me

Sleepwalk with Me: and Other Painfully True Stories by Mike Birbiglia Mike Birbiglia is a funny guy. I’ve heard him on “This American Life” a couple of times, and he’s a great comedian. He manages to make me laugh without resorting to racism, misogyny, or a surfiet of swear words, unlike many comedians. So when …

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Magnet Set 2

I experimented with different things to set in the resin, and some were more successful than others.  The gold leaf didn’t have that lovely suspended quality I had hoped for.  The small metal button in the bottom one is nice, though the glare of the light (which was even filtered!) makes it hard to see. …

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Seeing Things, Part 15; kindle ahoy!

Dear Blog Friends; Well, I just put SEEING THINGS up on kindle, in addition to the third short story collection “Mean Little Kitty” and “Waiting Room at the Hero League” Kitty and Waiting room are still free on Smashwords, as is SEEING THINGS. I am going to start charging for SEEING THINGS shortly, but I …

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Cover Final

So here’s the cover art I decided on for my novel, SEEING THINGS.  I had thought about using a teacup for a motif anyway, and the idea came to me that it would be cool if the title of the book were written in tea leaves. (A tea leaf reading impacts the plot of the …

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