Category: Art

Amythest and Iris Gold glass

I like the Iris Gold color because it’s unpredictable.  Sometimes it’s clear yellow, but it interacted with the amythest to create a shimmery blue in some lights.  It reduces to a mirrored finish, like raku glazes, but I prefer it translucent.

Adventurine Glass

I combined Adventurine green with Iris Gold in this glass.  It didn’t have a favorable alteration.  Not bad, but not as exciting as the Amythest and Iris.

Red Glass

This glass is my first.  It’s so small that I use it to hold toothpicks.  It also has a crack in it, probably from a temperature change.  It held up through the annealing, so I think it will serve as a toothpick-holder for many years yet.

Orange Glass

This is one of my first drinking glasses.  I realized that I didn’t photograph the rest of the ornaments I made, and now they’re packed up with the Christmas decorations, so I won’t post them after all.  I’ll post the other four glasses one at a time, because they each deserve their own page.

Empty Bowls creation

Here’s a photo from our trimming session, me and the arm of Gary Roberts.  Photo courtesy of Mary Swallow. Follow the link to more information about Empty Bowls.