319 results for try

Tryst, Whirl, Oblique, Beast, Sky

This is the second set of twenty test tiles.  See Mince, Splinter, Incline, Arrival, Cellar for technique details. Tryst: klear over algae moss Whirl: stoneware blue over algae moss Oblique: stoneware blue over desert varnish Beast: algae moss over desert varnish Sky: klear over desert varnish

Book Review: Clean

Clean: The New Science of Skin by James Hamblin The author of this book is a doctor who became famous for appearing in an article in which he admitted to not showering, and when he does shower, eschewing soap. I was intrigued by the premise and not quite sure what to expect. I love pop …

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Book Review: Last Girl Ghost

Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger In the grand tradition of “books with the word ‘girl’ in the title” this is a psychological thriller centered around independent but vulnerable women and mysterious dangerous men. Wren is young, beautiful, and wealthy, living in a Brooklyn brownstone and writing a popular advice column called “Dear Birdie.” Since …

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Book Review: What Moves the Dead

T. Kingfisher is one of my go-to authors these days, so I snapped this one up even though it’s much shorter than her other works. The other reviewers said it’s a retelling of the Poe story “the Fall of the House of Usher,” a work I had not read. I read the spark notes for …

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Book Review: This is How You Lose the Time War

This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar This book came recommended to me from various sources and it seemed like right up my alley: literary science fiction that defies tropes and conventions. Time travelers from two different factions alter timelines to lean reality towards their own end. Red’s faction is militaristic …

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