Tag: bowl

Green Fishscale Bowl

This design is a traditional Japanese design. I started to use it while I was learning pottery in Japan, and it remains one of my favorites. The green color is slip, which I scratched away with a scgraffito tool.

Green Flower Grid Bowl

This design looks much better on paper or other flat surfaces than it does on a curved surface. I found it quite difficult to get the design as even as I like. It’s not one I’ve used before, though I’ve seen similar ones on Japanese textiles and paper.

Broken Bowl

I think the crucial flaw in this bowl was the temperature at which I glazed it.  It was in the upper hundreds on glazing day, and the pieces absorbed thick layers of glaze.  I tried to feather some of it off by rubbing it with my finger once it was dry, but it wasn’t enough. …

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Blue-Green Flower Grid bowl

Blue-Green Flower Bowl

I suppose this is a set, since there are eight bowls, four with a green slip, four with a blue-green slip, and four different designs.  Once they’re washed, we’re going to use them for soup and cereal.