Tag: adventure

Book Review: We Could be Heroes

We Could Be Heroes by Mike Chen Zoe Wong and Jamie Sorenson both have psychic powers, but Zoe uses hers to beat up bad guys in her spare time while Jamie robs banks. The catch is that neither of them have any memories from before two years earlier. When they meet up at a memory …

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Book Review: Highfire

Highfire by Eoin Colfer This is a charmingly original contemporary fantasy about a teenage boy and a dragon living in the swamp in Louisiana. The dragon, Verne, is the last of his kind and is holed up surviving but not thriving on an island in the bayou, ordering Flashdance tee shirts off Amazon, drinking vodka, …

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Book Review: Cursed (Alex Verus #2)

Cursed by Benedict Jacka I love the idea of Alex Verus, a mage whose main/only real skill is divination. It’s such a clever concept, to have a protagonist with a “soft” skill like seeing the future who nonetheless uses it to avoid bad guys and rain down comeuppance on those who thwart him. Verus is …

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Book Review: The Well of Ascension

The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson This novel picks up where the first one left off, with the band of scoundrels who have managed to take over the empire trying to hold onto their victory. Elend Venture has taken over as king, but he’s more of an idealist and a scholar and is having …

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Book Review: Will Save the Galaxy for Food

Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Croshaw Like many, I know the name Yahtzee Croshaw from the “Zero Punctuation” game review videos he did for The Escapist. These were hilarious, manic, irreverent flash animations that appealed even to those of us who don’t much care for video games. Fortunately, this audio book was …

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